Pentavis Comics
Here you’ll find a collection of comic book titles with stories taking place, primarily, in the Force universe. Each series is computer generated. These are called CGCs (Computer Generated Comics).
Pentavis Chronicles: Random stories involving characters from the other titles teaming up for various adventures outside their normal storylines. (purchase from DriveThruComics)
Sons of Earth: Three people from Earth have popped into Force where they adventure around the Trith solar system with a couple of inhabitants who are on the run. (purchase from DriveThruComics or
Solinox: A Forlyth blames himself for the murder of his Permaons. He invents technology to pop himself into Force where he can find the murderer and bring him to justice. (purchase from DriveThruComics or
- Pentavis Comics: Sons of Earth issue 1
- Pentavis Comics – Sons of Earth issue 1 cover
- Solinox and the boys
- Solinox and Corrie in careening jet.